

The day 那 I knew I was passionate about the natural world, I wanted to not only learn more about it, but teach and educate others of its significance. Growing up, 史蒂夫·欧文 was my hero. I would binge-watch him and Jeff Corwin on Animal Planet non-stop — before binge-watching was even a thing!

“I grew up on a farm, so I was always surrounded by animals. 有一天,, 那时我大概五岁, my mom took me to the barn to see the new kittens our farm cat just had, and on our way there was a grey rat-snake lying in the path. 我妈妈最怕蛇, and in her panic from seeing the snake, 当她惊慌失措的时候, 我惊慌失措, 所以我也跑了! But then my rationalization came back to me and I remembered from all those educational programs 那 this snake is not something 那 is going to be dangerous—it’s not even venomous, 所以我为什么会如此害怕? 所以我转过身, and when my mom calmed down and came back to where I was, she actually found me free-handling the snake. It was at 那 moment 那 I had the breakthrough of realizing 那 there’s more to the natural world than what the common culture would have it. I wanted to be able to share 那 experience so 那 people like my mother don’t have panic attacks.


“最初是在我高中毕业的时候, 我本来要去这一所大学, and when I got there it was like being in an alien world. 我只知道我不属于那里. All I knew was 那 I wanted to pursue general biology and education, and Athens State had a good reputation for teachers and future educators. 我希望毕业后 生物学学位 辅修
education is to start off with a K-12 classroom doing environmental or situational education for the natural sciences. 当我到了十大买球软件, it was the polar opposite of what I had experienced at 那 other school, 我当时就想‘哇! This is a place I feel like I belong and I feel like I can do better and actually grow to my full potential.’

“在我来到十大买球软件之后, I told myself 那 I was going to be a ‘yes-man,’ because I had spent my high school career and the junior college level kind of shying away from doing too much of anything. I was able to be a part of multiple projects; I even agreed to organize a ‘Bug Mug Shot’ competition for local ninth and tenth grade students. 结果是, it has been an awesome and wonderful experience 那 has helped me in my career pursuits. 老师们都很注重个人隐私, as they actually want to see each individual student grow to meet their full potential.

“Something else I have experienced 那 has been both immersing and captivating since attending this college has been the student base. People of all age groups and different life paths are all studying and working together to achieve the same goal of bettering his or herself. 金钱是买不到的. There’s a quote 那 I can only paraphrase: ‘Only a fool thinks 那 educations ends.“教育不是目的, it’s not something 那 is achieved at a certain milestone and 这一点, 那, 另一个. It’s a journey 那 anyone can choose to take on at any given time in their life. I think as teachers, as future educators, we need to emphasize 那 a lot more than we do. For years we have treated it like, ‘At this age, you’ve done 这一点, 这个时代 那,“可是为什么呢??  Why can you not be the 50-year old lady 那’s come back and decided she wants to better herself because she now has the opportunity to? We shouldn’t let 那 cultivate an environment to where 那 would seem to be the minority or the outlier group 那 defines—what I think—education should be in America.

当我到了十大买球软件, it was the polar opposite of what I had experienced at 那 other school, 我当时就想‘哇! This is a place I feel like I belong and I feel like I can do better and actually grow to my full potential.

“再一次, 史蒂夫·欧文 is my hero—the one who got me really zealous about the natural world, 他用他的话激励了我, ‘The best tool for education 那 we can use is passion.’ If you’re passionate about something, 那’s going to make other people excited and passionate about it also. That is something 那 I take with me right now when I go into the classroom to tutor, 当我去实地实习的时候. I try to take 那 passion in and convey it to these students, and it’s been pretty successful so far. My desire is to continue to educate and show people the importance of different animals and things in nature by unveiling their importance in the ecosystem, the benefits 那 humanity gets from them, 以及为什么十大正规买球app应该容忍他们.

“Athens State has been the place 那 has helped me set forth and accomplish this dream. I’ll always look back at the times I’ve spent here, 我遇到的人, and the opportunities I’ve had at this place and remember it very fondly, 因为它是 首页.”

In addition to organizing the “Bug Mug Shot” competition for high school students, Tevin most recently helped run an educational tent with the Athens State biology department for the 2019 Arbor Day festival on campus. Tevin was able to live out his dream as he handled the live amphibians and reptiles (including snakes) while educating those present about their significance, much like his childhood hero and inspiration, 史蒂夫·欧文.


“就像Tevin, finding the right degree completion program can help turn your talents for teaching into a rewarding career. Explore what you can achieve with a 生物学学位 在十大买球软件.


